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Научно-технологический диктант "Освоение Арктики" (английский язык)

Даты проведения: 15.04.2019 - 31.12.2119
Даты сбора материалов: 15.04.2019 - 31.12.2119
Тест для: для школьника  для родителя  для учителя 

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Вопрос № 1


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.

Precipitation, Greek, languages, north, average, nations.

The Arctic is a region located in the 1) ______ of the Earth. The word Arctic comes from 2) ________. The Arctic climate is characterized by cold winters and cool summers. 3) _______ mostly comes in the form of snow. 4) The ______ winter temperature can be as low as - 40 degrees.

The Arctic has 8 5) ________ within it. They are Canada, Russia, Greenland, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. It is an area with 4 million people speaking over 50 6) _______.

  • 3)
  • 5)
  • 2)
  • 6)
  • 4)
  • 1)
  • languages
  • Precipitation
  • Greek
  • nations
  • average
  • north
Вопрос № 2


Read the text and match the words with their groups.

The Arctic is an exciting place full of animals and people. There are many types of animals that have their own habitat and it isn’t all frozen. The animals vary in size and characteristics.

The Arctic land is tundra. The frozen ground is covered with plants like moss and lichen, which caribou and muskox feed on.

Trees cannot grow in the Arctic, but in the warmest parts mosses and lichens can form thick layers. In the coldest parts of the Arctic, much of the ground is bare.

The people of the Arctic depend on the caribou and muskox for most of their food and clothing. Some villages in Greenland and Arctic Canada depend on narwhal and their entire existence.

A wide range of marine mammals and fish live in the severe conditions of the Arctic Ocean. Whales, dolphins (narwhal), seals make their home in the North Pole region covered with ice most of the year.

The great polar bear depends on these marine mammals and fish for its survival.

  • Common animals
  • Marine mammals
  • Common plants
  • Natural zone
  • whales, narwhals, seals
  • mosses, lichens
  • caribou, musk-oxen, polar bears
  • tundra
Вопрос № 3

Do the test.

The Arctic is located in the ... of the Earth.




Вопрос № 4

Do the test.

The word the Arctic comes from .... .




Вопрос № 5

Do the test.

The Arctic summers are .... .




Вопрос № 6

Do the test.

The average winter temperature may be ... degrees.

– 60

– 50

– 40

Вопрос № 7

Do the test.

The Arctic has .... nations within it.




Вопрос № 8

Do the test.

... million people live here.




Вопрос № 9

Do the test.

These people speak over ... languages.




Вопрос № 10

Do the test.

The frozen ground is covered with ... .

tall trees

moss and lichen

few trees

Вопрос № 11

Do the test.

You can’t meet a ... in the Arctic.




Вопрос № 12

Do the test.

The Arctic includes the ... ocean.


the Arctic


Вопрос № 13


Look at the picture. Match the name with the number: Names: screw-rudder column, rescue boat, searchlights, enclosed helipad to shelter helicopter, exit ramp, research equipment well, communications antenna, rescue rafts.

There are plans to build an all-season self-propelled platform by 2020 for conducting Arctic research all year round. This would allow additional observations, the storage of heavy geological prospecting equipment and laboratories similar to coastal facilities.

  • 3
  • 2
  • 6
  • 5
  • 8
  • 7
  • 1
  • 4
  • communications antenna
  • screw-rudder column
  • research equipment well
  • rescue rafts
  • enclosed helipad to shelter helicopter
  • searchlights
  • exit ramp
  • rescue boat
Вопрос № 14

Choose a group for each word.

Words: Muskoxen, Arctic willow, Caribou, Moss campion, Arctic wolf, Arctic fox, Arctic poppy, Alpine bearberry, Polar bear, Arctic lichen.

  • Arctic poppy
  • Arctic wolf
  • Moss campion
  • Muskoxen
  • Alpine bearberry
  • Arctic willow
  • Caribou
  • Polar bear
  • Arctic fox
  • Arctic lichen
Вопрос № 15


Study the scheme and use it to put the extracts from the text into the correct order, then choose the correct answer.

What are the northern lights?

  1. The particles give some of their energy to atoms and molecules of gases in the upper atmosphere.
  2. They quickly give it off as another kind of energy—the colors of light that we call the aurora.
  3. These lights occur most often around the North Pole and the South Pole because the incoming particles have an electric charge. As the particles arrive, Earth’s magnetic field guides them toward the poles.
  4. The northern lights and the southern lights appear when tiny particles stream out from the Sun and hit Earth’s atmosphere.
  5. But the atoms and molecules cannot hold the energy.





Вопрос № 16


Nanna Gunnarsdottir is a blogger from Iceland. In this article, she is giving some tips on seeing the northern lights. According to Nanna, which of the following CANNOT prevent you from witnessing this natural phenomenon?

You can only see the Northern Lights when it is dark outside, or if they are super strong, then maybe you can see them when it is getting dark.

Since it does not get dark at all during the summertime in Iceland, from early May till late August, there is no chance of seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland in May, June, July and most of August.

So, in short, the best time to see the Northern Lights is from approximately the 20th of August until approximately the 10th of May – at nighttime when it is dark and there are no clouds in the sky.

The Northern Lights appear in the Northern Hemisphere. That means that you can see them in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, US state of Alaska, Canada and in Greenland. In Iceland, you can see them anywhere.

They can best be seen if there is no light pollution around, which is why many people choose to drive out of the city lights to admire them better. That does not mean that it is necessary to drive out of town to see them, as you can often see them very clearly from Reykjavík, even right downtown.

If you really want to see the northern lights, my number one tip, and I cannot stress this enough is LOOK UP IN THE SKY! This has happened to me more than once: I walked around downtown Reykjavík and I saw the northern lights in the sky, and then I walked past a group of tourists so engrossed in their phones, that they wouldn’t notice anything. I normally point this out to them, but not everyone will.

being inattentive

the season

the clouds

light pollution

Вопрос № 17


Here are some more interesting facts about the northern lights. Look through the text. Which one can you see in the Arctic: Aurora Borealis or Aurora Australis?

1) Aurora Borealis

2) Aurora Australis

Вопрос № 18



1 foto_5.jpg
b Snowy Owl 2 foto_6.jpg
c Wolverine 3 foto_7.jpg
d Spotted Seal 4 foto_8.jpg
e Narwhal 5 foto_9.jpg
f Arctic Wolf 6 foto_10.jpg
g Polar Bear 7 foto_11.jpg
h Arctic Fox 8 foto_12.jpg
i Walrus 9 foto_13.jpg

There are a lot of amazing animals in the Arctic region. Match the names of the following animals with the pictures.

  • h
  • c
  • i
  • d
  • a
  • f
  • g
  • e
  • b
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 9
  • 2
  • 7
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
Вопрос № 19

Read the text, then study the list of the facts and choose the correct chain of degrees

Both territories have eternal snow and icebergs. It is the result of harsh climate conditions. The Arctic climate is still milder due to the warm currents that go far enough along the Northern coast of the mainland of Eurasia. The minimum temperature in the Arctic is higher than the temperature of Antarctica. The coldest recorded temperature in the Arctic is around

-68, -5, -89.2, -40, -30, -50

-89.2, -50, -68, -40, -30, -5

-89.2, -30, -50, -40, -68, -5

Вопрос № 20

Find the flags of the countries that are responsible for their sector in the Arctic. Write the letter.

a foto_24.jpg b foto_16.png
c foto_17.jpg d foto_18.jpg
e foto_19.jpg f foto_20.jpg
g foto_21.jpg h foto_22.jpg
i foto_23.jpg j foto_15.jpg

c, e, a, f, j

c, g, a, h, j

c, e, a, h, j

Вопрос № 21
foto_25.jpg foto_26.jpg
foto_27.jpg foto_28.jpg

Study the maps and answer the questions. What seas wash the Arctic and Antarctica?

  • The Arctic
  • Antarctica
  • the Lazarev sea
  • the Barents sea
  • the Laptev sea
  • the Davis sea
  • the Mawson sea
  • the Somov sea
  • the Ross sea
  • the Kara sea
  • the Greenland sea
  • the Chukchi sea
  • the Beaufort sea
  • the Cosmonauts sea
  • the Riiser-Larsen sea
  • the d'Urville sea
  • the Weddell sea
  • the Scotia sea
  • the East Siberian Sea
  • the Amundsen sea
  • the Cooperation sea
  • the Bellingshausen sea
Вопрос № 22


Look at the map and name the countries with land within the Arctic region.






Greenland (Denmark)


The UK



